Varsity Vogue
Bold colors and whimsical patterns dominate teen fashion this spring—strong looks that are meant to be combined. Here are some of the most fun, fashion-forward styles that can take kids from the classroom to the Friday night dance.
- CategoryFashion
- Photographed byAnnie Deptula
- Styled byAllison Rae Marsh
- Makeup byCat Sherwin
- Jackson OllerCourtesy of LA Models

Yellow bomber jacket by Elwood,, $38; newspaper button-up shirt by Elwood, $34; Ben Sherman chambray pants, Macy’s, $70; yellow suede Vans, Urban Outfitters, $60

Jackson Oller, 16, Crespi Carmelite High School
Olivia Marsh, 17, Notre Dame High School
Indigo denim parka jacket by Elwood,, $54; olive cuffed track pant by Elwood, $34; black & white striped T-shirt by Elwood, $18; blue Golden Goose sneakers, Barney’s, $415
Jungle print Barbarella top, $176 and shorts, $148,; gold necklace with diamond,, $300; gold ball bracelets,, $45; Golden Goose sneakers, Barneys, $490

Black & white gingham top, lykkewullfcom, $130; diamond gold lightning bolt necklace,, $600; gold hoop earrings,, $175
Holiday Wish List 2024
Our annual holiday gift guide highlights the latest trends in fashion, jewelry and home goods available at local retailers for all of your gifting needs. Don’t let the season’s best and brightest pass you by!