A mom and son team raise money for cancer research
Look for this dynamic duo at the Tour de Pier.
- CategoryPeople
- Photographed bySteve Gaffney
Determination, family and an ongoing wager is why a mother-and-son stationary cycling duo will be riding in the sixth annual Tour de Pier on May 20. It was five years ago that Liz Underhill and TJ Underhill lost a very important person in their life to cancer: Kory Hunter.
Kory died from glioblastoma on May 18—the day before the 2013 Tour de Pier. Since then they’ve been devoted to pedaling for a cancer cure.
Liz annually rides in the Tour de Pier in honor of Kory, whom she describes as being a larger-than-life human being who always thought of others and never gave up fighting. She also will be riding for his widow, her “soul sister” and best friend, Rory Hunter.
“We have seen firsthand the devastation that cancer brings upon a family, and it has definitely left a permanent impression on our hearts,” shares Liz. “I have watched my best friend lose her husband to this horrible disease. We have been there through the treatments and the terrible moment when we realized we weren’t going to win this one. We have lost some tremendous people to cancer, but that very pain is what fuels us to continue to fight for a cure.”
“I think Kory is smiling down on us, happy we are playing hard and having fun.”
TJ, who is 13, will be riding with his mom to honor a man who had a major impact on his life. Kory was very supportive of TJ’s athletic endeavors and always encouraged him to work hard and get better. TJ says, “He was a big, strong guy who was always ready to play.”
When Kory lost his two-year battle with cancer, Liz and TJ decided to work hard to raise money for cancer research. In fact, the pair made a steep bet that has been going on for three years.
If TJ–who’s known for his long hair–raises more money than his mom, she’ll give up all caffeine for 30 days. If Liz raises more money, TJ will put his locks on the chopping block. Together the two believe they can change the game and win the fight against cancer.
With the help of Legends Socks Co., TJ started Gray for May, where he encourages others to rock a pair of gray socks all month long in honor of those who lost the battle with cancer like Kory.
“It was awesome to see my lacrosse team take the field last week all wearing their Super K socks,” he says. “I think Kory is smiling down on us, happy we are playing hard and having fun.”