Carian Design

Describe the featured project.

This is a single-family home belonging to a family of five. The kids are ages 5, 3 and 1, so the furniture gets a lot of traffic. The primary goal was to elevate the space while simultaneously providing durability and places to store toys out of sight. My clients wanted to stay away from the neutral look while still being timeless, so I took the time to think through the saturation and placement of color throughout.

Why did you decide to start your own business?

I always wanted to work for myself, but after working at a couple of firms in Los Angeles, I landed what I considered my dream job as an interior designer working directly under the principal of a high-end boutique firm that served mostly celebrity clients. It was such a valuable experience seeing every aspect of how the business functioned and how to deliver a high level of service. There was a lot of uncertainty in the industry at the beginning of the pandemic, so I was let go. It was the best thing that could have happened, though, because right away I started taking my own clients … and here we are.

How would you describe your design ethos?

My design ethos is about longevity. I want to find the perfect balance between masculine and feminine, light and dark, elegant and humble, etc. The goal is that my clients never get tired of their space and don’t have to remodel again for a long, long time.

What trends in interior design are you appreciating in 2024?

I’m really appreciating the personality! People are taking more risks with color and texture while also wanting to be patient and curate special pieces. I’m seeing a lot of European influences and not shying away from patina. It’s beautiful to be able to mix old and new in a way that works together.

Why should new clients choose to do business with you?

I love getting to know my clients and using the information about their specific needs to inform the final plan. Designing a home requires a lot of questions and interaction, so it helps that I enjoy listening and being able to advocate for my clients throughout the process.

Project photographed by Tina Michelle Finkel | Brooke photographed by Fabien & Laura Castro